Saturday, March 19, 2016

Malantot 2 Comix Launch.

...and in this corner, standing A4, weighing 420 oz. for mature readers, 20 Pages of Twisted Steel and Sex Appeal, The Enemy of The Comics Business...


Tara! Ritual starts at 5pm, Good Food! Booze! Comix!
VHS Video Installation! Art Exhibit!

Marija Vicente, Iya Regalario, Gani Simpliciano, Robert Langenegger, Mike Mascardo, Karlo Adviento, Jeff Tan, Matt Sudario.

3 New titles straight from Project 666, Quezon City:
Stern Hemp #2 by Robert Langenegger
Antimatter: Not For Children #3 by Isagani Simpliciano
Malantot #2 featuring Marija Vicente, Mike Mascardo, Karlo Adviento and Patria Regalario.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Abstract Comix. Malantot created for and inspired by Andrei Molotiu.

The Adventures of Dr. D by Jeff Tan.

Love Potion by Jobi Guanzon.

Tukmall by Mike Mascardo.

Abstract Excerpts from Stern Hemp No.1 by Robert Langenegger.

The Prophet by Israel Remo.